NaNoWriMo 2018: Day 15

NaNoWriMo 2018: Day 15

My National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge is going better than I expected. I am not writing 50,000 words this month, and I haven’t exactly hit my goals and deadlines I set for myself on Day 1, but I’ve done more than I thought I would.

I wrote down all of my beginning notes for my novel by November 4 – three days ahead of my November 7 deadline. Since I wrote down my beginning notes first, I switched the two deadlines for my first goals, making my new deadline for reading over all my previous notes for my novel November 7. I completed reading over all of my notes, and taking more notes on them, by November 12 – five days after my new deadline of November 7.

I have not yet re-read my short story, although I still have several hours to meet that goal’s deadline of November 15. I also had a deadline of writing an update article by November 16, which I have now met, so I can check that one off the list.

Looking ahead, I will most likely miss my November 17 deadline of writing all of my character studies for my novel, which pushes back the deadlines for writing my plot outlines and finalizing my novel planning. Will I meet my goal of fully planning out my novel this month? We’ll have to wait and see.

15 more days to go!

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