Tag: Feminism

Strong Female Characters Television

I want Daenerys Targaryen to lose the Iron Throne: is that bad?

Daenerys Targaryen has been positioned as the Strong Female Character of Game of Thrones – she’s a leader in her own right, she’s sexually independent, she’s confident in her abilities, and she never doubts herself – but while I like Dany well enough and I do root for her, I cannot get behind her quest […]

Gender Equality

Instead of threatening their daughter’s date, dads should teach their sons not to rape

It’s prom season, and along with the tacky gowns and boutonnieres comes the gross photos of men threatening their daughter’s prom date with a gun. These jokes aren’t harmless fun, they’re a product of rape culture, and the defense of these jokes show how far we, as a society, have to go before we fully […]

Gender Equality Movies Personal Strong Female Characters

Female characters I want to be more like

When thinking about who one wants to be, it is natural to look to the characters in media one likes, analyze what traits one likes about those characters, and apply them to one’s own life. But for me, as a female human, it was very difficult to find female characters I liked and would want […]

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